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Help can't remember wifi password

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netibiza | 10:26 Sun 29th Apr 2012 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Am at sister's house again and one mobile and my laptop are connected from last year, but cannot remember the password for my other phone. I've looked under the modem but don't know what the password is there! I've looked at my control panel but there again can't find it. Sister doesn't know it!


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If you go into your laptop, open the connections tab you ought to see the password already filled in with little stars etc- depends what operating syhstem you are on but there is usually a way from there to see the password- have a root about and if your still stuck then post back with your OS and I'll try to navigate through it:)
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Will try NOX thanks
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erm, NOX where is my connections tab? FF12 windows xp
What's your operating system (vista , XP etc) Neti?
sorry just saw it's hang on a mo and I'll be right back
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Have found a connections tab in my Internet options but nothing there to help me, just says Tmobile which I had on a dongle but not now!
Okay try this but you need a machine that;s wired to the router not wifi's to it.
Go to Start-Run-Type in CMD <Enter>
Type IPCONFIG <Enter>
Look at the third set of numbers (Default Gateway)
It should look something like
Open up your Internet Browser
Type in the Gateway address in the Address Line <Enter>
This should take you to the Main Page of your router and click something like wireless and then security- you ought to then be able to find the key I think.
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Wow, wonder if I can actually and physically do all that, hey ho will have a bash!
nox's guidance is the best plan - but if you can't do that, for whatever reason, download and run something like "wirelesskeyview" on the laptop that's still connected to the wifi.
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Hey guess what, I found it under the modem box, the middle code, and it's working fine! Many thanks for the help.
Lol- excellent:)
Click on the wifi icon near the clock. Right Click on the network you are connected to and click properties. There should be a Tab called Security. Click this Tab and there is a field called Network Security Key. If you click the Tick Box below this called "Show Characters". This is the password your computer is using to connect to the wireless network.
This was information given to me on here when I had same problem

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