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A very late tea at 3

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albaqwerty | 14:19 Tue 01st May 2012 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
white wine in the fridge, red is decanted, beer is next to the fridge and the coffee machine is percolating nicely. Tea pot is full.

Plain scones, fruit scones,s cream and strrawberry jam available.

Tuck in folks xxxx


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It all sounds lovely but I'm afraid I can't make it. Thank you for the invitation though.
Oooohh, nice! Is it clotted cream? : )
Starving. I'll have anything thats going. Hurry up my mouth's watering.
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awww Tilly, it's an open invitation, so hopefully next time :-)
Hi Alba Tea and and a scoon please....go heavy ion the cream..;-)
Cheers, Alba! I've been having a frantic day at work, so cream tea with a white wine chaser will suit me nicely. I can offer a large box of Hershey's chocs (be warned, they are vile and not a patch on Cadburys, but it's all I've got right now) in exchange.
Any chance you could knock up some cheese scones? Tomorrow, maybe???
Ive got a chocolate orange if anybody fancies a segment
I'm rather partial to a bit Smow
Question Author
clotted cream for scones, definitely. Is there any other kind ?!

Cheese scones for tomorrow Eccles (oooh haven't made them for ages, slurp)

Kiki, no exchange required, dig in :-) x

Has anyone any news about 2shortplanks, she must be due by now?
Yes please Smowball.
No, Alba, I insist. Please take the Hersheys. PLEASE!!!!
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Kiki I'll give it to the young albas (well 18 + 19) xx

Choccy Orange, oh yummy, yes please smow
You are very kind, see you tomorrow alba, I might see if I can find a tasty jar of chutney......
Lovely scones alba! Have found a botttle of Baileys as well : )
I'm pretty certain that she had a little girl, but can't find the thread. So don't quote me.
yep she had a little girl
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Eccles, if you make your own chutney, it WILL be delicious x

ooh now Bailey's ssshhh :-D

Tenrec, thank you, not having been around for over a week I was hoping the dear lady had her babby. I know she was looking for girl's names before the youngster arrived. Hope all is well with them.
My chutney's are homemade, but I've made some recently and am not sure they've matured yet. I might have some of last years knocking around though, and last year was a particularly good vintage!

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A very late tea at 3

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