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Snooker on TV

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anotheoldgit | 13:06 Tue 01st May 2012 | Film, Media & TV
5 Answers
During the closing scenes of the recent TV covered snooker matches, why did they deem it necessary to fill the background of the credits with what looked like tobacco smoke?

Not only would I thought it very non PC of the BBC, but surely the smoke filled snooker halls have long since gone.


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It's all a smokescreen.
I think it is you who see it as smoke, if you watch the opening titles, it is clear that it is designed as chalk from the cue hitting the ball.
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/// I think it is you who see it as smoke, if you watch the opening titles, it is clear that it is designed as chalk from the cue hitting the ball. ///

Blimey I've been in some snooker halls in my time, and seen the tobacco smoke in the light above the tables, but I have never seen anyone use that much chalk on the end of their cues.

At that rate they would have to vacuum the table baize every few minutes.
probably an exaggeration (sp) to emphasise the determination of the snooker players.
I've never made that connection AOG - interesting how people view things differently, but that's what makes us all individuals.

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Snooker on TV

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