A while ago when still working, I worked in learning disability, in the community. Again, someone passed on to me in good nature, a story that
was being put around about something that I had done without consent of
managers. Totally untrue.
So when we went on a course, the woman who's daughter was putting the story round was on the course. I waited until the course finished (3hrs)
went out into the corridor and waited for her, pulled her aside, and told her the facts, and said that if I ever hear another word about it from her orher daughter, I would take it further.
Lo and behold, a while later I was moved to a different property, where this
woman was based. She had apparently told everyone that I'd had a go at her.
So....I faced her again, and repeated to her what I had said before, in front of
other members of staff this time. I never heard another word, and we did
end up becoming quite friendly.
Sorry I've waffled, but I'm trying to say face her with it. I don't mean for
you to become friends though!! Good Luck! x