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eBay query...

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mrs.chappie | 18:28 Fri 04th May 2012 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Re buyers who don't pay promptly - does eBay send them a reminder to pay, or is it left to the seller to chase payment?


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ebay do chase them, but not for quite a while. if you go into " my ebay" and "selling" you can see the item you sold and there is a drop down box on the right, one of the options is to send a payment reminder.
Question Author
Thanks very much Percy.
Hi, Myself, I pay the instant I win but others are not so prompt, as said contact the seller but do not be rude, there may be just an error which can occur, DO NOT send your goods until payment has gone into your account & check this out.
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Thanks TWR. I know they might have a good reason for not paying so I don't want to ask again, particularly if they already get a reminder from eBay.
Have a look at their Feedback Mrs C. this should tell you what sort of person you are dealing with.
I have a policy of sending a reminder to them on the third day of not paying - on the sixth day I send them another reminder saying "if I don't hear from you about paying, I'll report you to eBay tomorrow as a non-payer, and I'd rather not do that, so please pay up" - on the seventh day, I open a non-payment dispute. Surprising how many people pay quickly after that.
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Their feedback is all good, so perhaps they've gone on holiday. :o/

Thanks for replies peeps. x
or forgotten!

still rude ...
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I just send a mail saying thanks for ur purchase upon receipt of paymen i will
Post the item asap ......after a few days i say to let me know if they need more time and eventually id report to ebay xx
I put that first message on the invoice when I raise it, tinks "I'll send your staff when you've paid me etc" - I don't offer them extra time, I nag 'em.
^ send your stUff, I meant to say...
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Phew, for a minute there I thought you'd kidnapped their employees and were holding 'em to ransom, Boxy. :o)

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