if you want say a freeware off the web, or to join a 'club', they often ask for your email; which could mean you'll get spam; if you use a webmail addy just for such events, it's like having a free recycle bin, and when it's too full, just get another they're free; the Yahoo ones are more user friendly than Microsoft's Hotmail which is a bit intrusive. [ask Alexa about MSN trix] Also you get free email addresses with your terrestrial isp; good to keep these for special and friends etc and don't reveal it on the net [or spam will ensue] I'm told BT isp disconnect you every 2 hours, and AoL is just a control freak. Freeserve put stuff in your registry without asking, some can be difficult to remove; Ukonline; you can join online, Onetel as well; those 2 get my vote but there are many other good ones. :-)