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Sending too much.

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TWR | 14:21 Sun 06th May 2012 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Are we sending too much money to help other countries / charity's / Euro?


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Yes, charity begins at home !.
Countries like India YES....some of the others NO
i cannot see why we need to save the euro, and if the liar blair and his useless scottish friend had not commited this country to vast amounts in overseas aid then said cash could be reduced and some money left over for domestic use.
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Countries like India have requested this Gov not send any money as they can look after themselves.
I heard that too, TWR
yes, lets stop so we can fix our schools, hospitals, the NHS, elderly care, school projects, youth centres, police on the beat and a hundred other things that need cash.
Not sending relief wouldn't mean those other things get more money though - that's not the way national budgets and reserves work.
Re, India, see link @ 14:41
it would if i was running things. Let us fix what we need to here first before sending billions in aid.
We are far, far too generous with or overseas aid.

I mean we really miss that 0.5% of our GDP.

It's like a pensioner giving a tramp a penny.
No, I don't think we are sending enough aid.
The only problem I see, and it is a big problem, is that the aid rarely seems to reach the people we are trying to help.
There are too many political levels for the aid to pass through, each taking a cut of the money, that there is very little left when it gets to ground level.
I believe this is also happening with the major charities too, with too many fat cats getting even fatter on the money that's supposed to be helping the starving.
There must be some way of bypassing the greedy buggers and really helping the needy.
I have no answers. Perhaps someone cleverer than me can work it out.
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Yes. There are people here who don't get a square meal.
After 13 years of a Labour government,and the usual mess they left us in,
I think it's us that should be getting overseas aid.
The money we give in aid wouldn't make a jot of difference.

It is .5% of our GDP.
Yes and No - better targeting to non-corrupt governments needed.

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Sending too much.

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