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where have..

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cupid04 | 01:50 Mon 07th May 2012 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
everybody's avatar's disappeared to?


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Well, they do keep disappearing, now they are back again!
must be the ice in your tipple.
They must have been banned!

Sorry, I mean "must of"
Question Author
Seriously they did disappear for a few moments. Ony the pink jelly babies
remained! I suppose you do get little glitches now and then.
the Ed is testing...see if anyone notices.....who's awake.
No-one, it seems! I was fully prepared for the onslaught from the usual suspects... ;-)
I'm only popping in and out.......Everyone must have had a hard day, or
otherwise engaged!!!

Night, Mark and Cupid (she's disappeared too!) x
Question Author
Sweet dreams chi- chi66 and MarkRae.xx

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