Personally I hate it, but if you like it then you should do it and sod what anyone else thinks :c)
I've been every shade of red under the sun and had a flirt with blonde. I'm now my natural colour (sort of mousey brown really but worryingly starting to drift to dirty blonde). I fancy dying my hair again too but I probably won't... I always prefer it when the hairdresser does it and the results when I do it myself always leave me underwhelmed :-/
I thought it looked like a blue rinse but each to their own, if you're going to go for purple go mad and make it really purple. Mine has been all colours but that had to stop when I started work and now I am too old :(
agree with maidup, it's what was popular with ladies of a certain age!!
But having said that, it's different from all reds and pinks that are about
to-day. Go for it if you like it. xx
Hi Erin, I need it cut first (its too long at the moment to dye it myself) but the little people keep coming home with nits and I would be mortified to go and get it cut and for the hairdresser to find nits (I haven't had it cut for 6 1/2 years so a bit longer won't harm).
Lol! My hair is very long as well.. I get a friend to do it for me. As for nits.. just check before you go. Working in the nursery means that I check mine everytime I wash it. I'm not taking any chances!! haha!