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scottish place names

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irismay | 22:01 Mon 07th May 2012 | Quizzes & Puzzles
11 Answers
I would appreciate help with any of these questions.
1. just existing, lacking energy(4) 2. foggy river music? add percussion(7) 3. home of the hairless(7) 4. a belting good place(9) 5. alcohol for foot rub? (7)
Thank you


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3. Wigtown
4 Lochgelly? The tawse (belt) used to be made there.
5 A bit iffy.Tayport? Tay sounds like tae which is Scottish for toe.
Thought no2 might end in ...drum but can't figure out foggy river music. Have to give up now-brain's too tired!
2 Tyndrum (arguments rage over whether to pronounce Tyne Drum or Tin Drum)
5 is indeed Tayport. Tae covers for too, to and toe.
I'll have a think on the others when rested from journey down on a very wet M6.
Hi,BIGJACK,Tyndrum was in my mind but I didn't think of Tyne.Sure you're spot on.Horrible driving in heavy rain.I'm off to bed-busy day tomorrow
4. is definitely LOCHGELLY, infamous for producing the leather "tawses" used for corporal punishment in schools.

1. is probably DULL.
Dull sounds good.I read in the paper that it is going to be twinned with Boring-a place in America!!
Have thunk.
Agree with bert_h on 1 and 4.
Question Author
Can I just say - you lot are wonderful! I very much doubt if I ever would have got them without you. I have 4 left to do now, but I shall plod on with them for a wee while then I suppose I will have to send out another SOS. Thanks again.
number two is pronounced Tyndrum (tyne drum) and not tin drum. I live in Scotland and that is how it is pronounced.

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scottish place names

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