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Can someone give me a definition

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mrs_overall | 19:18 Tue 08th May 2012 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
I've been called an Answerbank troll. What is your definition of this?


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Thanks Ann - you should see me after a drink or two lol
Answerbank troll = two words bandied about far too often on this site, and ones which I personally think deserves to get the people who use 'em permanently banned.

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Even though I've been called it I think that is a bit harsh Boo.
(Maybe if someone was deeply offended by it...)
Harsh? I think I was quite restrained, I'd knee cap 'em too ;-)
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Note to self: never cross Boo
Mrs o, joking aside, you are a valued member of this site and have cheered me up on so many occasions. I'll borrow some marigolds and enlist my owls to go after the offender
no about...Trolly Dolly?
Question Author
Very kind of you sibton.
But not my marigolds...I'm very possessive about my marigolds
Answerbank troll? Maybe they meant to type Answerbank doll!! : )
Mistakenly rolls w@nk banter , what's he smoking ? (10,5)
Send Sqad round to do a reverse access tonsillectomy.... (the one with the extended rectal approach)

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