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He has missed his vocation in life

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Gromit | 20:35 Thu 10th May 2012 | News
25 Answers
He is great. I would tune in if he got the job full time.

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Obviously Charles has used his acting ability picked up while he was in Cambridge. Wasn't he in the footlight review or something like that while studying?
So thats where he got it from:

///As part of his social university life The Prince joined Trinity's drama group, the Dryden Society, in November 1968 and appeared in two of the society's annual revues. In the 1970 revue, Quiet Flows the Don, The Prince played a sports commentator, an antiques expert and a weather forecaster and in another played the part of a church padre in the society's production of Joe Orton's black comedy Erpingham Camp///.
crumbs.....did he actually manage to push that little button thingie all by, what a guy!
What was it he said that made people laugh? I couldn't hear because my husband was making derisory comments.
I think he 'took to it' quite well,does seem to have a sense of humour,as he does get mocked on occasions

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He has missed his vocation in life

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