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Sheets and pillowcases

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Hopkirk | 21:38 Fri 11th May 2012 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
Do you iron yours?


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I've just added it up and I have 17 pillowcases every week, not bloody ironing all them!
Probably still stuck to your iron Wharton.
Iron is a four letter word and to be used sparingly - good sheets such as Dorma etc - certainly don't need 'pressing ' anyway lol
Pillowcases yes. Back in the sixties used to put brown paper over my hair on the. Ironing board and iron my hair. No ghds in those days. One day tried without the paper. Large chunk of hair went the way of whartons knickers.
pillowcases yes, certainly not sheets or duvet covers.
One of my few extravagances is to take my sheets to a nice lady who irons.
I've got an ironing press, things are first folded then pressed, Done.

hell no!
I'm such a disappointment to my mother, she irons everything - I don't even pick up an iron these days (arthritis) but I do insist the "staff" press the pillowcases
I iron nothing accept a linen shirt I wear onc ein a while - I shake the washing before it goes on the line and again when I unpeg it. If its folded immediately and smoothed flat it never needs ironing.
Sheets look crap unironed :0( i always iron the sheet and pillowcases

I used to iron hair in my teens!!!!!

Thanks god for GHDs x
Yes always inc. the Duvet cover Socks never.
Nope, mind you, I don't iron anything else either.
I iron just the duvet cover and the pillow cases. I have a tumble dryer so to get rid of the creases I make sure I put sheets back on the bed while they are still warm (my mother would be horrified "What? not aired for 2 days? :)
The only things I iron are my uniform shirts. Nothing else needs ironing.

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Sheets and pillowcases

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