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Soaps copying each other ..

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Ann | 14:17 Sat 12th May 2012 | TV
3 Answers
Why do soaps copy the same storylines, can't they think up their own? This EE story is just the same as Emmerdale (Zak's mental breakdown)


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They've been doing it for years, ann - I stopped watching years back because it seemed if a storyline was being pushed in one soap, you could bet it would soon turn up in another.
yes, almost as if the scriptwriters have an arrangement not to outdo one another
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Seems very strange to me when they are so fiercely competitive at the Soap Awards ......... can't they think of something original which has not been covered before? Good job I dont watch Eastenders! The Zak story has become very tedious in Emmerdale and according to reports is due to be dragged out till the end of the year! :(

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Soaps copying each other ..

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