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At the risk of being lynched...

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mrs_overall | 19:28 Mon 14th May 2012 | ChatterBank
49 Answers
Is there anyone on here apart from me who is not an animal lover?
(BTW I am NOT an animal hater and can't abide cruelty)


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Fed up of being asked to save donkeys. Think birds should not be kept in cages. Ditto fish in tanks. Enjoy the company of cats and dogs. Dreading the return of grand daughter's hamster whilst her family are away.
i would say i am an animal liker.

i am a veggie and support animal rights etc and hate animal cruelty etc, and used to have 2 cats, and used to live in a house with 2 dogs - i loved them, but i didnt choose to have them

i dont have animals mainly because of allergies...but also because i dont want to have to be governed by their needs
i see friends having to turn down invites, or leave early 'for the dogs' etc and i dont think id like that... also i work long hours, often away, so wouldnt be convenient.
i do not feel bereft because i cant have a pet though...rarely think about it.

so id say i am not an animal lover... but a liker
^^^ What joko said, all of it.

The more I live without the company of domestic animals or the use of them or their products for food, the more i see them as being somewhat out of place in anything but the wild.
I love most animals, I have had dogs and now I have two cats. I refer to them as my furrybairns and but I do realise that they are not human - they are superior to humans. :-)

I can understand why people dislike cats, there is just something about them that unsettles people.

I like this http://cn1.kaboodle.c...Q.jpg?v=1195676317000
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i was not an animal lover, untill in a moment of madness, i got a dog from the RSPCA. he is more trouble than any of my children :)
I like most animals especially dogs but while I wouldn't hurt a cat I wouldn't have one in the house.
How do Mrs O.

I'm not a lover of cats (don't like the fact that they kill so many birds). However, I took a smashing puss under my wing (so to speak) a few years ago, when I found her starving and heavily pregnant on my back garden.

I cried buckets when I eventually had to take her to the vets to do the dreaded dead....I surprised myself at how fond of her I'd become.
^^^Oops, should that be "dreaded deed"?

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