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Cake Lovers of AB land

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NoMercy | 11:09 Tue 15th May 2012 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
Later I am going to make a blueberry cake with a cream cheese frosting.

Please put your name down here if you would like a slice. x


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That sounds gorgeous - yes please. I think it's going to have to be a very big cake for all this lot.
Ooh, yes please, if there's any left.
Sounds lovely, but just a small piece please....Thank you x
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Ooh, Exc... I am rather partial to a bit of B&B pudding. x
Doh, again.
how did i miss this!!!

there best be some left!
Num, num - too late, fluff ☺- it WAS yummy though!!! ☺
*i am not going to get upset, i am not going to get upset, i am not going to get upset*
Something strange on AB today. Someone mentions cake and 27 posts later still no Boo shouting, "It's all mine, I tell you!"
No Boo and we have Jingleshinkle... has anyone seen them at the same time?

OOOPs can't be ..Boo doesn't do jolly happy loves the whole world does she...

Perhaps Indi has eaten her
"Boo doesn't do jolly happy loves the whole world does she?"

No, but then she works in the Coop so she does have an excuse.
Very true.....
I hope there is some left because I need blueberries for health reasons.x

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