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Don't you dare

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bibblebub | 10:39 Thu 25th Feb 2010 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
do something like this when you get to the spices in your local supermarket or there'll be trouble...


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Now that we've all been given the idea ...

How will we be able to resist ?
I must be missing something.
caslass ...

Someone has rearranged the spice jars so that the labels read " t o s s p o t "
All of a sudden, it seems less funny ...

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By the way that image is from a b3ta image challenge and there are far ruder ones included there and not just with spices.

It's tempting to give it a go.
I saw this on B3TA at the weekend and thought i'd give it a go in our little Tesco. Sadly they had a poor selection and I only managed to get 'GIMP' out of it. Made me smile though. : )
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^^^ **** for effort
i'm tempted to pop over to sainsbury's now
That site have some wicked stuff on it. I laugh out loud at some of the postings on there. Thanks for posting it.
Yay, I got stars, thanks bibblebub.

I blame my husband for introducing me to B3ta - I used to be a nice innocent girl. Loved the advertising in sci - fi thing they had last week.

I'm off to a Sainsbury's in quite a posh area tonight - hoping they'll have cinnamon, oregano, cumin and Korma seasoning..
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It's almost guaranteed that some of the image challenge entries each week will be laugh out loud with some making you wonder how long they took to create.
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Question Author
and aga[iin
tes [i]tin[i] g
and [i]again]

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Don't you dare

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