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A man came and sat next to me

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tenrec | 18:04 Wed 16th May 2012 | ChatterBank
52 Answers
on the bus. He stank of stale p!ss. What would you have done? I was hemmed in as I was in the window seat. Luckily I was getting off quite soon. Going for a bath. Back later!


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Of all the threads for me to comment wrongly on!


Back atcha boo LOL

Sometimes if ive been on a bus and someone who is a tad smelly came in id stick my magazine near my face or sniff my jacket LOL

However ...remembering my job i can really ignore smells now. I suck a sweet or have a discreet bit of gum xx
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LOL at Tinks.That's what I did. I pulled my neck gaiter up, but it was truly bad!
No problem tenrec .
I can see your point .
I 've sat next to some real humdingers on the bus in my time :)
One of the reasons my husband doesn't go too far .He's frightened of offending anyone .It makes noises sometimes which he can't control :)

That was to tenrec
Shaney ive dealt with alot of stomas and i can sooooo sympathise with your hubby....some poor soul may have a stoma etc needing a change and some others in the ward arent accustomed to any smells etc and the faces and retching and drama that happens....

Thing is if you have a weak stomach you cant help it !!!!

But weve all had a person on the bus next to us who is a bit iffy i think. Mines usually has a half bottle of high commissioner in their blazer pocket too- lol xxx
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Elvis it really wasn't funny. My nose is highly trained. I can smell chocolates at over 100metres. And wine, well, probably about 2 miles!
Tinks ..thank you's not an easy thing to live with .
After his op it was awful at times .Luckily he's coping with it now but at first we had bursts and all sorts .Good job I'm not squeamish :)
people seem to suspect Paulineq of being a troll


I don't really know why; I wish they'd wait until they actually do something trollish
Difficult one for me. I remember standing behind someone smelling of urine and wondering why the family didn`t do something to help her. Was I pompous! Then my mother, the cleanest person you could meet, developed dementia and we couldn`t get her to wash or change her clothing. We and the team helping us tried everything but she was convinced she showered every morning and became very violent when we told her she was smelling. When people said that if she was their mother they would pick her up and put her in a bath I could have cried. How do you do that to a very strong, fit and violent woman?
But I did feel sorry for the neighbours she visited and the worshipers sitting next to her in church. In fact it was one of the reasons we had to put her into care. This once proud woman was filthy and smelly because of the dementia.
So, mixed views on this, but I could not have sat next to him, I`m afraid.
Working in a library I see (and smell) a wide variety of folk. Some have health problems, some have mental health issues, some have substance abuse problems and some are just lazy buggers. While I have the utmost sympathy for those who can't help it, it can be very difficult - especially if they decide to settle in for a few hours. The whole building can stink in a relatively short space of time.
Smells have different effects on different people. I cannot be anywhere near anyone who is wearing 'Charlie' perfume. It makes me feel physically unwell. Thankfully it is no longer very popular.
I also have difficulty with Pernod/Ricard smell.

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A man came and sat next to me

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