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Being Prepared!!

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annie0000 | 21:40 Wed 16th May 2012 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
I like to be organised and with 5 weeks to go until the schools break up and 13 weeks until they go back, I have ordered the last of No 1 sons uniform (his socks). Technically still have his shoes still to get unless his good boots still fit. Think this might be a record :o)

Who else likes to be a boy scout and be prepared???

p.s. kids getting to meet Bear Grylls at the exited!!!


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In 5 weeks, yours break up for the summer, and then have 8 weeks off? Blimey, I think our 6 weeks is long enough. My youngest goes up to secondary in Sept, although I'm not as prepared as you, I will have all her uniform before she breaks up, the school outfitters will be bedlam over the holidays and I can't be doing with it.
Do they still do bob a job.
oh annie, my daughter has thought ahead too!........uniforms are all bought, she's waiting a bit for the shoes though!...............their feet grow like mushrooms!
My youngest is growing so quickly it would be mad if I bought his uniform now. I've just bought his 3rd pair of school shoes (at 45 quid a time fron Clarkes...sob) since September. He met Bear at scout camp last summer. I wish I'd met him, he is very easy on the eye!
welsh, my daughter has thought ahead too, she wants me to get a funeral plan!
Oh sibton!..........thankfully my daughter hasn't thought that far ahead!......hope she doesn't any time soon!........not planning to go anywhere soon!
Sibton that made me lol. Mic told me no coffin, a black bag and the most basic funeral that was possible. Also NO guests/mourners.
Jeza, bless him!.........give Mik my best wishes, we have spoken on here lots of times!..............
Jeza, that's more or less the funeral I'm having. Called 'direct to crematorium' with the cheapest possible coffin/shell whatever.
OMG - it's not that time of the year again is it? (School holidays).
hc. Have you looked in to this? May I ask what your family think of this?
I hope you've ordered them not to do any growing over the next 13 weeks?
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yeah rocky - and it'll likely be 8 weeks of rain, our usual Scottish summer - it's costing me a fortune in childcare over the summer - wont see any change from £1k. I've ordered the uniform with a bit of growing room as he hasn't hit puberty yet. they don't arrive in the shop until the end of the month so hopefully if I need a bigger size they will swap it :o)

They don’t do bob a job, they do a charity week thing but I’ve got my two making up a list of jobs they can do to earn some cash so they can save up for the USA trip next summer.

Welsh/mrs O my 2 used to be like that, but they have both been a size 6 since last year – they have actually managed to wear out some shoes for a change!!.......and I wouldn’t kick Bear out either!

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