I am still having pain in right hip, and back pain is back again( hurt whilst lifting heavy box couple years ago). Not too bad when generally moving about, its bending and turning that hurt the most. Thing is I am meant to be dong the Race for Life again in July and by now I would be doing my long brisk walks every day in training. Would it make is worse if i did this, even though it will be uncomfy, or will keep moving help things?
A lot depends on whether you have done anything recently to injure your back again or if it is now osteoarthritis. Keeping it moving prevents stiffening pain but only do what you are comfortable with. I have osteoarthritis of the hips and spine and I am worse sleeping. I just cannot get into a comfortable position. I have to keep getting up to move around so my sleep is very much disturbed. Have you thought of asking an osteopath/chiropractor's advice. It can be costly as it is not normally covered by NHS. I would assume someone who is medically qualified will answer your post. Good luck with it anyway.
furrypusscat - what a great name! Hope its not osteo - im only very early 40's!
havent done anything specific, just seem to be in pain a lot lately. Doctor sent me for blood tests this week to check for imflammation and I thought he said b12 but could be wrong. When he said inflammation would that also show types of arthritis??
For me Smo. Acupuncture and keep moving. Think I am developing a hip problem but I`m much older than you. Investigation can wait until house and garden are sorted so acupuncture helps the pain.
Definitely see a good ostopath. The one I see has worked wonders with all of my accumulated joint and muscle problems.
The trouble with serious muscle injuries is they heal with scar tissue which will prevent the muscle stretching properly especially if you let it heal without fulling strtching it regularly.
Old injuries need serious massage to break up the scars followed by exercise and stretching to prevent them binding up again.