They are amazing creatures if you want a small pet. My daughter wanted a hamster and so I bought her one....2 days later it bit her and she refused to touch it, I managed to re-home that to a lovely mate of mine.
I'd seen Degus and went for it..... they are just brilliant though do take more commitment than a hamster.
They live for ages..... I lost a rescue boy last year and he was 9!!!!! They have to be kept in single sex groups [breed like the proverbial bunny]....
Plus side... they make they most amazing noises, they sound like finches cheeping to each other, though when on alert they stand up like Meercats [sp] and can 'scream' an alert out for hours!
I only have two boys left now.... and they are aged 6. one is almost bald....I do not have a clue as to why and seeing as I know more than my vet does about them I probs never will. lol
Lisa x
oh and the major plus side....they never bite unless really scared, more likely to just nibble on your fingernail......too cute