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mrs_overall | 10:40 Fri 18th May 2012 | ChatterBank
78 Answers
...for uses for Tonyav's large bottom.
He could lay across a wide road and be used as a speedbump for example.


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Hire it out as a bouncy castle for kids parties.
10:42 Fri 18th May 2012
Thought by now DT would have presented..."An Ode On An Aber`s Bum."
So TonyAv is padded
For comfort not for speed
Its rather good for sitting on
Its Very good indeed
I perches Like a monument
At the top of Tony's thighs
Allowing Mrs Overall
To dream and fantasise

He may have a crack resembling
A certain canyon Grand
And a doctor checked his prostate
And completely lost his hand
Upholstered like a sofa
A pouffe pair has he
A special deal from DHs
like his bum would be
But I think mrs Overall
put this thread in place
Because she thinks that ony's ar5e
Would be soft to rest her face
Rowan..You are superb!!! I`m now going to have such a grin on my face thinking of that my builder will think I`m simple.xx
Hope Tony frames it.
The subject of this poem I know
is a little disgusting
rear-ended and low
but AB women have this thing
and we all know about it,
and it's an international past time,
a thing called Tonyav's 'ass watching.'
One could say, the eyes of AB women
and Tony's ass, are very
good friends: yes indeed
(I wonder if mrs o or gness know this?)
...anyhow, the way it works is
something like this: there isn't
really anything the women have to
do out of the ordinary, except,
put it on display, sea defences, speed-bumps or walk;
Tony doesn't even need to talk;
He can even look stupid
if ABers wants him (to)....
The eyes of the women will do all
the work, perhaps
you will even capture.
It is a fun sport, that young and
old alike can do, and if Tony
doesn't like it, or wishes to avert
such creative attention, all he need only
do is put back on his skirt.
He could do some real good by advertising "SLIMMERS WORLD"....Join now and tighten up your buns!"
Tea Break. Hi DT. Fabulous. My new hobby....Tonyav`s ass watching. Have bins and a scope but may not need them. Never has a man`s bum been so observed.x
gness does one need optical equipment to view the mountain that is in front of you....?

Do you need binoculars t o see the elephant walking beside you

No... but you may need a torch should the darkness of the shadow o'ertake you
Instead of telling only an individual to put it where the sun doesn't shine, one could now address a whole village or suburb... maybe even an under populated County here in the western U.S.!
Torch lost Rowan. Do have a ciggie lighter though.
Just lay a trail of breadcrumbs on your way in ... or tie a string to a convenient protuberance ...
so long as it doesn't ping up and drag you back out... still that assumes all is in proportion...
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rowan and DT - brilliant poems as always
Two excellent poems from DT and rowan, bloody good job I have a sense of humour.
Nothing better than a man with a great sense of humour Tony. x
I must have a good sense of humour gness as I'm off to see my 83 year old Aunt in about 15 mins lol.
I'll send my 78 year old Alzheimer's mother over to you to join you both, tony.....
LOL @ DT, I already know I will come home with the ear ache so I don't need a double helping, but thanks for the offer anyway.
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You need to have a sense of humour with a bottom the size of yours tony.

(I'm glad you took it all in good fun)

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