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The ultimate cocktail recipe

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venator | 00:04 Mon 21st May 2012 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
This should be available in Witherspoons - would spread great happiness -


What would you like in your concoction? I'd like the legendary Ardbeg Very Young - the undertaker would have a job getting the silly grin off my face...


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Should say Guinness but will go for Poteen in these circumstances,and none of the woosy legal stuff.
I think I would prefer some KCN and get it over with.
I think I`ll stick to the Caiprinhas in Sao Paulo. At least I know I`m going to wake up in the morning.
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I know people who have given this - the effect is to allow the terminal patient to speak to the family with clarity and without pain, before passing on.

They could never get away with it these days....
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KCn is a bit quick, and doesn't make a pretty corpse.
I too have experienced people being given Bromptons and the memories are sad ones, I will pass on this occasion.
//a pretty corpse//

now there's a phrase to ponder over.
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Cyanide poisoning isn't nice
but, as you say, it is quick.
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Sorry, mamalynne, it was always given in sad circumstances, but it was merciful, and allowed the patient a time of clarity to speak to the family
I know, don't be sorry to me.
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howard - i used to do gold electroplating with cyanide solutions. The only symptom of cyanide poisoning is death!

We had an adrenalin syringe on the wall, with instructions for a direct heart injection.

We all used to laugh something wicked.....
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signing off - not funny any more

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The ultimate cocktail recipe

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