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We did it!!!!

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~Wingnut~ | 13:23 Sun 20th May 2012 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Well we did the race for Life this morning!! Fantastic atmosphere and so much Pink!!!

Thank you to everyone that sponsored us! We had an overwhelming response and have managed to reach nearly £500!!!! (Gonna get all the money in and then top it up so it reaches that amount or maybe more!)

The Johnson Girls! :o)
http://i1144.photobuc...6607_1162177276_o.jpg <-- Hope that link works!

Thank you once again everyone and NoM, I had your Nanas name on my back message as I promised and thought of you all as we ran :o) xx


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Well done Wingnut and mini wingnuts :)
Well done to you...
congratulations wingnut, you must be proud. i have sponsored my mother (73) to do it here in cambridge in few months. she has don it for the last five years in memory of my father who died of prostate cancer.

once again very well done.
Well done!!!x
Very well done, The Johnson Girls.
Well done to you all x
Well done to you and to all who took part including my lovely daughter-in-law who ran in memory of her late mother.
pooka. please commend your daughter-in-law for me
Thanks Excelsior I will! I'm very proud of her :-)
Well done all.
I'm sponsoring my daughter in law is running in Cambridge later in the year. I am hoping to run myself next year as I had breast cancer a few years ago.
Oh! forgot to say well done!!
Well done, Wingnut, and thank you for your lovely gesture. Sorry for not posting sooner, I have only just seen this.

I was with Nan overnight at her house and she is now receiving end of life care. When I arrived yesterday, she called me Trina. Trina is her elder sister whom she has not seen for over 25 years. We tried to get her to take her dentures out at one point but she couldn't find her mouth and kept tugging at her hair. The Nurses agree that she probably has less than a week now and we have all the drugs in place should we need them in the final hours.

Thank you once again. X
Well done Wingnut & family, excellent news.....

...I knew you would beat your target ;-)

And well done to everyone who took part. You'll always have our support and respect.....

best wishes & stuff,
bob, charlie & the girls.
So very proud of you all xxx

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