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has anybody ever been quick enough................

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excelsior-1 | 13:43 Sun 20th May 2012 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
to post and/or answer several threads in succession so that their name appears on all of the 'latest posts' list on the right - at the same time?


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Yellow card Tony!x
Sorry about that gness, but I couldn't help it lol.
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oh, nothing too outragous then .. thank you
I miss Bob and his orange bucket - he used to make me laugh so much my stomach ached.
Bob and his [i] B&Q [i]bucket....;-)
oh pooo....
Sorry, but I have a horrid vision of tonyav in the street drooling over one of those moustached female Romanian accordian players
I have been on 2 or 3 of them at the same time but that was in the evening not at 3am as has been suggested here.
I was on here once, very very early...and someone, no names, was
answering every Quizzes & Puzzle answers, with the same answer, as was
already there.
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i've noticed that chi-chi. sometims two or three people will begin typing a reply - all unaware that others are doing the same. then after submission, all the answers appear, and the time tags are all within the same minute
Yes, it happened to me today. First thing in the morning, I often go look at the Unanswered Posts - it's quite easy to do if you type quickly. that is understandable...but this was hours later, I was just
reading through cos I could'nt sleep, must have been about 4 in the morning,
no one else was on except this one person, going through all Q & P, and posting the exact same was laughable.

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has anybody ever been quick enough................

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