Hi, can anyone answer these 3 questions for me.
When did they stop making 7" vynal records,Month and year please.
What was the last 7" record made on vynal and by whom,and year please.
What was the last N0.1 record made on vynal, title and date etc. PLEASE
I know it seems a lot but any help would be brilliant, thanks Ray
Vinyl sales actually increased last year (39%) and as far as i understand it have continued to do so this year. Its hardly surprising when it is the best sounding and most tactile format there is. Lets hope the trend continues!
That's interesting Sooper. We ended up having to remove our vinyl section where I used to work due to dropping sales. I attribute it to the fact that record players are expensive, hard to come by and that although a format I love, a pain to store. Let's hope it continues.
Yeah i was a little surprised when i heard about the inrcease in vinyl sales, where i live there are no record shops anymore, all the independant shops sadly went under years ago. I can only assume that perhaps the rise in sales is in big city areas where trends etc are more dominant. Id love to see proper record shops back again, i really miss mine!
Thanks to all of your answers, regarding the singles being not being made anymore I was reffering to the mainstream from chart artists. I know they went into the 9o's. Any information on my other two questions would be of help, thanks Ray
All your questions have, directly or indirectly, been answered. As has been stated, vinyl 7" singles have not stopped being made, so the last one made can't be answered - it was probably being made as I'm typing this reply. As for the last vinyl 7" No. 1 single, it's whatever's currently at No. 1.