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What funny messages do you get with predictive text?

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10ClarionSt | 19:32 Sun 28th Mar 2010 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
I had a load of missed calls on my phone from one number, so I typed Sorry I missed your balls. I'm glad I changed it before sending! What others are there? There's the famous one Are you good in bed? Obviously should be home. Any others?


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I texted my male (gay) friend, "fancy a neck?" instead of fancy a meal.

we often go out for a neck now :o)
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Typing in 'coal' can be quite interesting...............
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what comes up Jackthehat???
oh doc, you're so sweet :o)

when you switch your text settings to predictive text, you only need to click each button once for each letter and the phone guesses (from it's dictionary) which word you want. you can change it if it's wrong.. if you notice!

if I wanted to text hello, it's 43556. I don't have to press the 4 twice to get the "h"
' I went with mum to visit gran' became - 'I went with nun to visit iran'

Wnen my husband was away on businees I texted him to remind hin to ' give us a phone' at bedtime; what I actually sent was ' give up a shoe'
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my daughter's friend borrowed my daughter's Blackberry (it's a phone, Doc!) to text her mum. instead of texting, "hi, it's Paige" she texted "hi, it's Oatmeal"

that took some explaining!
If you type in Smirnoff, it comes up as poisoned - how appropriate when you have a hangover :)
when you type my name into the predictive text it comes up as "lard" till you type in the final letter
I don't use predictive text, it drives me mad, particularly since OH and I use our own text shorthand and the phone has no idea what we're on about.
How do you stop it on a Motorola V3?
Mine too bednobs - do we by chance share a name? My daughter's is rabid till you type the last letter too :)
hy tis site is best site, i love it http://www.freeonline...egory/funny-messages/

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What funny messages do you get with predictive text?

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