Sometimes I'm on here until nearly 2am. I notice a few other abers are too, [some later]. But later that morning they post on here when I'm barely awake.
How is it some people can survive on less sleep than others? I've got in to
bad habits of going to bed really late and if I have to get up early for some
appointment or other, I really struggle. I'd like to be an early bird sometimes or I'm going to miss most of the summer.
I sometimes are working (security) through the night and come on here but it also messes up my sleeping habits so are awake until the early hours sometimes on off days. (or nights as it were)
My experience is that as one gets older the mind/body denies you sleep. You just wake up when you are sure you should still be out to the world. Some say one needs less sleep but if one experiences going around in a state where one can not concentrate properly and take things in, it's clear one is just learning to cope with the lack of it. And on the other hand there are the socialite youngsters who have simply trained themselves to manage on the few hours between clubbing and work.
Old-Geezer, I would hazard a guess that has something to do with chemical help!
I need my sleep more now but it's amazing how little sleep you can manage on when you need to, it has its limits though, especially if you're doing it to cope with a manic job working mad hours (got the TShirt for that one!). I think you go more on adrenalin rather than just not needing sleep so much.