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I'm due a whinge

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EvianBaby | 09:46 Sat 26th May 2012 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Got some family visiting next weekend so desperately trying to find a cheap double bed I can put in the spare room.

Had a look on gum tree this morning and there's someone who has listed a whole bunch of stuff, including lovely double bed and mattress that all needs to be collected today/tomorrow. I tried to call both the numbers given and they just ring out, don't even go to voicemail.

Then I noticed a sofa on free cycle that would be perfect for my conservatory which was listed a couple of hours ago (so I know it's not that they are still in bed). Same thing, the number just rings and rings with no voicemail.

I reaaalllllyyyyy want them both! People of gumtree/freecycle answer your blinking phones!!!!


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And!!! I just noticed the postcode for the sofa. The first 4 characters are The same as mine so it must be around the corner!
would summet like this do until you get chance/money to get a proper bed?|14419400.htm
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Aahh, stupid iPad won't let me see Argos pics. Might pop in there later anyway though so will have a look.

Problem is my sis in law is even more of a moaning cow than me and if they spend four days with me going on about a terrible nights sleep I can't promise I won't hit her with a heavy, blunt object.

Plus the guy only wants £80 for the bed and mattress so it would be ideal.
I tend to use email for that very reason and because i dont want to be phoned at times when its inconvenient to me.
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I can understand that Woof, some people don't want to be called but then I guess you wouldn't leave two numbers. And with such a specific collection date I think I'd have my phone by me all the time that day so I didn't miss anyone wanting to take the stuff I needed to get rid of.
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Ok, I'll stop whining now. The sofa woman replied to a text I sent and is bringing it round in half an hour then the bed woman answered and a lad from work is collecting it for me tomorrow. Yippee!
Awww yay!!!! Fantastic xxxx
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:) :) :)

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I'm due a whinge

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