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gness | 14:00 Fri 25th May 2012 | ChatterBank
153 Answers
I`m a bit of a radio addict and today`s a day for a cool room with the radio.
Has there ever been broadcast a play about a group of people such as ABers?
Mind you, we would probably need a long running series.


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Oh I thought it was poetry night at the Ed's and Mods'

Did JJ really get her vibe back from Tony courtesy of Sqad, tinks and the crew?

What or who was in the trunk?

What happened to the creamy pussy in Vodka's cake store?

Did Vicar Venator find his communion wine - what went on in confession.

All issues to be developed for Part 2 of the Am Bridge Village programme....?
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LadyJ. May I go off thread for a minute?
Why I love Cornwall.
We loved holidaying in the SW. Then OH developed kidney failure and holidays became almost non-existent until a nurse in St.Ives opened a small hotel for kidney patients who could dialysis in her conservatory. This was heaven for us but there was a bonus for OH. She would treat each of the men to a pint of beer while they were on dialysis. A rare treat. Made great friends and have happy memories.
which hotel gness, as (i) distant relatives with a hotel, until recently in St Ives and (ii) we as a family had a property on Porthmeor....
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I`d race you LadyJ but think you may be nearer.
Lovely DT.
Look forward to part2.

Really was just asking at 15:00 but this was fun. Thank you all.
gness - how lovely for you. i am so pleased that ou were able to enjoy your holiday in St ives so much. what a special person that nurse is.
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Will have to search OH`s old files as I can`t remember the name. Just a small 10 or so room concern and her surname was Huggins I think. Sadly she developed liver cancer and battled on for her guests as long as she could. A lovely young woman who will always be remembered by me for her kindness.
what a nice story......
oh gness what lovely memories for you. i once knew a potter called b huggins (but sadly have lost touch) wonder if they were related.
whoa is running the village shop?

i need to know if they have had delivery of milk, cream and washing powder. just asking as their deliveries are usually later on saturday than weekday.
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I was thinking Alba for the tea shop. Perhaps Smo would run the shop and don`t forget Kiki plays the flute and has a MrK who is a Morris Dancer. Do we have a church organist? If we need a wheeler dealer Evian has just bought a bed and sofa with lightening speed.
would evian be willing to run the local shop? she would be able to get hold of goods with lightening speed, instead of keeping us waiting for over a month from order to letting us know goods delivered.

i also thought we need some bell ringers. as well as being a recluse i will volunteer to be one of those if wanted.
Blimey, this post has certainly become a long one.
See what you started gness! lol
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MrsO. I really thought I had a vague memory of one and was expecting a few yes or no answers. Fun mind you. You`re in charge til I get back from the beach.

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