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Pimm's at 3

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albaqwerty | 14:10 Mon 28th May 2012 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
Well and why not?

I've got more watermelon slushies with mint (thanks to fluffy, very tasty)
Light nibbles and dips.

Cold beers and lagers along with white wine and cider in the fridge.

Tea and coffee available :-)

May i also suggest we raise a glass in memory of Nom's nan?


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from what she said in the past make them large ones... and just hope she has moved on to make space for a little one to sneak in...
OOh I could murder a glass of cold white wine!
And make it a large one!!!
Question Author
'to make space for a little one to sneak in... ' lol poor Bob :-)
I will take a glass of white thank you Alba, I am mini celebrating today.
filthy baggage... didn''t mean that at all
watermelon slushy please....with a tot of Archer's in it...and here's to Nom's Nan and to all our other friends who have lost someone recently
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Hi funny and Traci, dig in.

Rowan, I really feel for the dear lady. I typed a load and re-read it and it sounded horrible. That was not my intent.
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oooh Head, many congratulations. Woo-hoo !!! Glad that mam and babby are doing well. xxxx

The circle of life is painful.
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That's a fore-gone requirement Head :-D
Does the babe look like the chosen name?
my mum always said one out one in and it was strange how often within a couple of days of a funeral we'd hear someone was expecting... It's the way it should be...when it happens in the wrong order then it is a tragedy... and on that note can I have a very large gin please...
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Glad the name suits Head xx

Rowan, one of me brothers died a month before I found out I was expecting. My parents didn't know how to react. Then some months later, an uncle died at the beginning of my second and my dad towards the end of it. Life can suck at times.

A very large gin en route to Rowan, with lime. I hope that's ok.
sounds great...I need it...
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one of them days eh? Surely it's only a few weeks to go before you can er well, hugs your colleagues xxx
A glass of ice cold Pimms would go down a treat right now, Alba. And do you have any heavy duty sunblock for my already sunburnt nose, please?

And yes, here's to NoM's Nan!

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Pimm's at 3

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