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Weather forecast for days 6 - 15

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lankeela | 00:00 Tue 29th May 2012 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
Don't you think any one of us could have written this without any meteorological knowlege? "perhaps more in the way of cloud and showery rain in the north and east, this spreading into the southwest at times, with temperatures staying around or just below the average. Staying generally unsettled thereafter with some rain or showers at times, and temperatures around or just below average."


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I agree - Met Office a complete waste of money.
from now on, lankeela, i'm getting my weather news from you.

you will probably be more accurate than those on the telly
Rain please. Water butt almost empty. 1st floor flat, ground level garden. Not too steady carrying buckets of water down stairs.
We could set up an AB weather forecast thread - any volunteers?

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Weather forecast for days 6 - 15

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