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Homeplug adapters

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Dee Sa | 13:57 Tue 29th May 2012 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
firstly I would rather ask C/Bs than the tech people --- we have FREESAT tv and have just turned it on and theres a thing on the screen telling me I can now watch BBC I Player + ITV I Player via my broadband but me not being very technical [my kids call me Mrs Techno !]tried to e mail Freesat but they want a costly phone call, Amazon have many on the site and I got confused . Can some kind soul tell which make/model &where I should buy,apparently I will need 2, how much its going to cost approx and as I record most progammes I might miss is it actually worth it when I can watch with my laptop ?


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(even though you don't want to ask the tech peopple) :)

And only you can answer if it's worth it for you.
They work brilliantly for me - get some marked 200mbps - this is the latest standard.

These are similar to the ones I use (and the shop is very reliable too - just takes three or four working days for delivery)


Amazon have something similar, but I haven't tried/tested these User Recommendation
Am I being stupid, but how are those things going to let you watch iPlayer?
They connect your internet enabled TV (or freesat box) to your router. You can then connect to the iPlayer via your internet connection.
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thanks everyone, still trying to make my mind up.

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Homeplug adapters

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