why is it that most people have the same thing for breakfast every day of their lives . I have muesli orange juice and a coffee but I'd hate to follow the same trend for any other meal of the day .
My supposition is that we are usualy pushed for time at breakfast as we have to get out the door ASAP in order to get to work on time. When time is short we don't want to mess about with anything complicated or waste time deciding what to do so one opts for "the usual".
My wife and I sort things out the night before - laying the table and preparing - for example - Smoothies, fruit salads or anything else preparable. In this way we manage to vary our breakfast menu considerably without extra time required. We get up at 5:30am on weekdays anyway so anything that allows a minute or two extra in bed is a bonus.
I agree with rekstout, it's lack of time to think about it properly. I think many people have the same in the week but then perhaps something a bit different at weekends when they have more time.
I go through phases. For months it will be grilled cheese & asparagus on rye, then porridge with banana, then baked beans, then fried egg & tomato with lettuce in a roll (this is after the coffee and fags of course).
My problem is that I'm not really a morning person so not having to think too hard in the morning is great . I do really appreciate the great English breakfast on the rare occasions that I get one