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Stupid Comment of The Day

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mrs_overall | 20:42 Fri 01st Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
My phone has just rung and when I answered it, it was one of youngest Junior O's friends. I can never recognize his friends as the are all at the age when their voices are breaking - squeaky one minute and a booming bass the next. This lad said he would ring later and hung up without giving his name.
I shouted to Junior O (in the shed mending a scooter) that one of his friends had just phoned and his reply was "What did he look like?"
He must have got his brains from his dad's side of the family!


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A wig of course - he is as bald as a coot underneath.
They are all lovely and are my friends
gran! You need to go out less ;) x
Indeed so, mrs_o, I bet you feel safe in their company. They can be a good-hearted lot.
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Very true ttfn.
The only ones I don't get on with are those in the local pirates society. They go out dressed as pirates and raised thousands for charity but they are a load of pretentious twits
Haha :) I managed a great one yesterday. Went into the emergency optician walk in and went up to a nice young man and asked to see someone as I was having vision problems and thought it was because of drugs I've been taking.

Then had to rapidly explain I meant medical prescription drugs not that I was a random junkie who had wandered in off the street during a bad trip.

In my defence, I couldn't see very well...that's my excuse anyway :)
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I believe you Jenna....honest
:D I did have to wonder on the bus home today if I was hallucinating, there seemed to be a load of naked people in one of the parks!

I know it's been a long day but I swear there were!

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