I know this must have been asked but what is the best way of keeping cats off a garden?
The use of a high powered water pistol is not an option as my son is out all day and would not have the time to spare in waiting
It's only a very small area but it is covered in the disgusting mess
Thanks in anticipation
Between you and me - I don't feel very friendly towards the cats
Well let's be honest how ate you supposed to feel towards an uninvited guests who then deficates on your property
Here comes the "Crazy Cat Ladies" - I love cats but they are loathed by many and I understand why.
Water is your best move - what about some sort of motioned sensor on a sprinkler?
There is nothing that is guaranteed to work. You have to scare them off and the usual methods (the legal and humane ones) are using smell, sound or canine.
You have to admit that a human being defeated by the actions of a small animal about 1/20th of its size is quite interesting (I would say amusing but I am trying to be sympathetic).
Your not a 'crazy cat lady'
Your probably a really nice person who just happens to like cats
Nothing wrong with that
I have since read that jeyes fluid might be a good idea (I believe it will also kill the weeds as well)
And also sticking cocktail sticks in the ground is a deterrent too - supposedly
I think I will give both these a try
Thank you for all your answers
Jeyes Fluid smells vile and will taint your soil. I'd go for holly leaves myself, or other prickly cuttings - at the moment I am spraying Neutradol in the area where cats poo in my garden. They are great creatures of habit (I know, I've got three) and once they settle on a place, that's their loo. Orange peel doesn't work, and cocktail sticks won't either, they'll just dig 'em up.
My 'in-laws' detest cats in their garden and have about 3 of those high-ptched electronic tone emitters which do seem to work. The noise is very irritating though IMO.
I have managed to block all gaps that cats can use to get into my garden. I reckon that is just about the only permanent method of keeping them out. Other methods (sprays, lion poo, etc.) have to be renewed after a while, but physical barriers are there for good.