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Dee Sa | 07:27 Mon 04th Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
are the big supermarkets open today and if so is it Sunday hours pls ?


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you can check Tesco here
most are open sundy hours
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thank you bb but today is a bank holiday and it doesnt mention that on the website.
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thanks rowanwitch, would like to go and get my newspapers but dont want to make two journeys, will wait until later.
yes it does - once you've selected the store it gives the Jubilee Opening Times
Dee Sa - it showed up the different hours for our local Tesco.

Once you put your postcode in and get results you have to scroll down the page to find your particular store.

Our Oxfam shop is open and I am off for a snooze before starting the afternoon shift. :-)
...any that don't are open for their regular hours

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