I'm yet to be sold on the idea, although I can't see it going away. I think when you no longer need to put on special specs it'll take of, just my opinion of course!
IMO short term fad,only have to look at what is actually shown on TV in 3D add that to the fact that you can now purchase a 42 inch 3D full HD TV for under £400 and there is your answer,also reports of headaches when watching in 3D. I class myself as a gadget man but never been tempted to purchase one, sure there have been big improvements recently in 3D televisions but just can't see it catching on big time. IMO.
Hi Hopkirk! As of now, we can say that 3D TVs have great promise but for sure it would be common in the future. In fact LG unveiled theirs, as stated here http://www.techyv.com...s-unveiled-its-3d-tv.
Thank you!
no not for me ive had various viewings of these and not convinced at all and if you want a 3d dvd you have to buy a 3d player not up grading my my blu-ray player for this "gimmick2, when its perfected to its max then i'll look at them, many years hence, but hey we've got super hi deff on the horizon lol