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NoMercy | 21:01 Sun 03rd Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
47 Answers
Do you think people on here have a tendency to be judgmental?

If so, does it make you wary of what you post or how you word your posts?


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Judgemental without a doubt, there are some very arrogant ,sanctimonious holier than thou extremely pc posters on this site, there is one in particular that I think I can quite honestly say that if we were to ever meet I would most likely end up doing time in prison.
Wary about posting, well that depends on the thread and who is posting.
Hi bigbum - how's it hanging?
LOL, Its hangin well, hows yours.
Trunk swinging as usual :+)
I don't think I am in general. I might judge a post but try and avoid judging the poster.

Some people though, as you know NoM, cannot be judged any higher than something you've stepped in.

Look at SAB if you want to know who I mean...
That's what I like to hear Dave.
Opps just posted this in the wrong place....
But Yes and here's toady's example from me


Lisa x

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