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let it be...let it be...

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mrsmaveric | 22:28 Mon 04th Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
there will be an answer let it be..ohhhh let it be..speaking words of wisdom let it be.... sorry folks im gone...i love sir paul...


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I have to say, standing there with all the flags and it all lit up listening to that would have been incredible!
This song makes me cry!!
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too right jenna...i bet it is magical being there now....
Ahhhhhh and Live and Let Die! Oh I want to be there now! :)
What were the words of wisdom and what is the answer?
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why is that erin??...thats if its not too personal a question....
I really don't know... Just something about it affects me x
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we all have 1 song like that erin...i cant make you ove me sung by george michael gets me special meaning to just hits a chord with me x
I love that song too MrsM, Jesus to a Child too. I saw him live a few years ago, incredible, no fancy stage show, just him and a few backing singers, like listening to a CD.
His voice has gone - but tonight, who cares?! Brilliant!
Amazing how many people were there, packed in like sardines, but still enjoying every minute and finding space to wave their flags.
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i bet that was brilliant jenna ive never seen him live but id love to..maybe ive lost the chance now though...

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let it be...let it be...

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