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Will someone please put Cliff out of his misery!

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divegirl | 20:04 Mon 04th Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
95 Answers
As above! He sounds awful!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lisa x


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Do it properly!

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you win....almost lol
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pmsl....bouncing round the front room now!!!!
Stacked Actors!! Well you cinched it... Have you seen them perform it at Wembley? AMAZING!!!
thought that was one of the roly polys coming on..Peter Kay..I love him!!
He should have been on all night, not the other so called comedians.
I can't stand Peter Kay :|
MCartney is even worse than the others...........please sing in tune Paul.....
get back...get back to you're foo fighters ;)))
It surely must be the sound system.

It's been lousy.
i thought cliffy was dead. was doing something in the kitchen so what a shame i missed barlow and partner . . .. NOT. unfortunately i could hear it.
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Sorry distracted on the phone..... Yes I have seen them sing that live....just wow!
Earlier on The One Show - Cliff said he would have liked to have performed for the whole 2 hours of the concert, if he had been asked - Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
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Could have been an upside Towie....could have killed him ;0)

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Will someone please put Cliff out of his misery!

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