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Watched the Queen on the Thames on Sunday

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McMouse | 12:43 Tue 05th Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
and was surprised she wasn't wearing a life jacket. Notices when she left St. Paul's in the Royal Bentley she wasn't wearing a seat belt. Anyone know why?


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Cos she's the Queen and if she don't want to wead a seatbelt she can please herself heh heh!
If the Royal barge had started sinking, they wouldn't have let her drown, so don't worry.
there isn't exactly traffic all around her and neither is she doing >20mph.

She needs to be able to exit quickly in an emergency.

Now where are the Ladies in Whitehall?
I think she should be more careful of her welfare for OUR sakes,
anything happens to her we get Charlie and the horsefaced one in her place.
Doesn't bear thinking about,
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HM the Q doesn't wear a riding hat when she goes out on her horse either. I think it all sets a very bad example! God save the Queen.
Baldric, please make your way to the Tower.

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Watched the Queen on the Thames on Sunday

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