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FAO tonyav

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mrs_overall | 14:33 Tue 05th Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
60 Answers
Just to satisfy your curiosity, yesterday I was wearing black skinny jeans, a fitted v neck purple t-shirt, black boots with FM heels, and a black leather biker jacket. And I was NOT scruffy!


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Anyway, wheres your clogs sloopy. ?
Actually mrs o does seaweed *and* weather


put away safely for now tony
I thought female sailors wore rigging and sheets, not clogs or crocs, never mind lingerie
Hey up, theres a stiff breeze at doggerbank !
Oh yes sloopy.
Dogger ... hmmm ... where is sqad
He's in relationships and dating :-)
gawd 'elp 'em alba!
little white ruffled number underneath and the poor boy will risk popping his clogs.....
leave my clogs out of this...
Why ?
I am not sure about the fish nets.....??

I have an image of Humber in clogs dancing with Mrs O wearing her marigolds.
Handsome couple gliding across the dance floor.
Actually, I've just been browsing in the Biba franchise in the local department store. I got some sniffy looks, but no parking ticket.
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My daughter once took up clog dancing at school.
Oh the shame for the family.
Sniffy looks ?, but your an ex employee. Where you not looking hippie enough.
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Right, I'm off to make tea.
Going shopping in painting clothes means looking more like an adventure playground than an ex-employee. Tbh, I'd have been a bit sniffy about serving me too
LOL @ Sloopy.

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