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I've done it !!!!

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Traci66 | 17:43 Tue 05th Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
No question, just letting you know I've finally managed to get an avatar. What a palaver, had to plug the laptop in to get the image I wanted. What do you think of it? (well maybe a little question).


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Very cute!
Just two blobby men
Well done, I like it.
Well done, cute!
Question Author
Smow, I swear I didn't pinch yours, it's just changed now.
Question Author
Yet it is still the same on my profile.
well done, next will be gness.....?
Can't wait to see gness's avatar, DT !
Gravatar is right on te ball at the moment..changed mine twice today...well done!
Congratulations! Wish I could, I get stuck in a Catch 22 situation at, asking for passwords, do I want to sign on for something else, then passwords not valid etc etc. Lost the will to live ages ago!

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I've done it !!!!

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