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I need glasses....

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tinkerbell23 | 22:36 Tue 05th Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
Broke mine about 3/4 years ago!! (i know!!)

Never replaced them....but my contacts kill me sometimes especially in summer.

However because im not working just now how do i go about getting glasses? I use specsavers for my lenses...(i pay for them)

Do i need something from the job centre or is it NHS? And any idea how much i get for glasses or towards them?

Badly need


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Aye- you are right there!!!

Not that im aware of no?....a discount in nandos i think LOL!!!

I do prefer lenses so just a cheapish pair for watching tv and to wear when im sore is all i need....and prob nightshift....cos the lenses sting like hell when im tired haha! Xx
Haha, better than nothing I suppose! I prefer wearing my contacts but when I'm rushing to school in the morning glasses are just quicker to put on, and if I started bothering with contacts now the children would all look at me strange for not having my glasses on. Also handy for when I managed to pick up conjuctivitis off the little lovelies!
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Yeah ive had that a few times and bloody styes and i just cant see, then squint which gives me a headache....i dont suit glasses and dont like wearing em but needs must i suppose xx
I nick mine from the pub........
If you get a job in the NHS, check this out Tinks...
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Thanks mammya xxxxxxx
Sorry to read about your specs problem ,sincerely hope you get them fixed before you start working as a nurse.
Pop into specsavers, they are doing some great deals, especially for those using contacts.
My frames are NHS ones and I love them. They do some really nice ones now....looking pretty much the same as the 'designer' ones!

Lisa x
I agree with divegirl, all 3 of my kids wore NHS glasses. They are just as stylish.
Google. Lensway. Great offers
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Thanks all!!!! Ill manage one lense today i think LOL!!!!

Honest there are plain black ones at -£25!

Great deal about the lenses- im a customer so hopefully ill get sorted xxx
check out tesco, before specsavers
I didn't know you had been on holiday, Tinks.
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Pmsl @ hopkirk!! Poor girl!!!

Well i was entitled to freebies cos i already a customer....i think ill start a thread and let folk know....brilliant service im delighted xxx
You can borrow my special X Ray specs if you like tinks lol.

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I need glasses....

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