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Big Brother...

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sandyRoe | 08:00 Thu 07th Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Are there any eccentric characters in it this year, or is it the usual dull parade?


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As this is chatterbank I feel I can say WHO CARES!! :-)
At least we know who's watching it now Ummmm!
and the Reality TV topic is so bereft of questions...
How far we have come from :

“It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.” - the opening of one of the great books in the English language

to :

"It was a damp wet day in June, and palms were striking foreheads" - the response to the idea that anyone gave a flying flump about a washed up TV show on a minority channel owned by a porn magnate ...
I like it but some may remember i wind up addicted to it xx
What ummmm & sd said.
not too sure..fell asleep halfway through..woke up and the 3 had been
chosen for eviction, I would choose the guy.....
lol SD....and we are in the wrong topic....someone was complaining the
other should be in reality...oops.x
Is it still on? I thought they weren't going to make any more series.
Never watched it. Just the bits I've seen in other programmes is enough to turn me off.
i watched this for the first time ever..except for when ive turned over and looked at it for 5 mins in previous years.... now i remember why i never bothered in the first place....
Some eccentric characters imo ....
In my best Nan Taylor voice "what a load of old *"it " big brother -total waste of air time !
I like it and not afraid to admit it (lol) ...

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Big Brother...

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