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Gazebo Fail

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joggerjayne | 17:55 Sun 10th Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
Well, that was a bit of a fail ...

I left my gazebo up on my balcony ... tied down in the corners ...

I've come back to a pile of mangled metal, bushy plant things tipped over ...

... it looks like there's been a riot.


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It's probably the group Space Dementia playing.....
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Feeling old?

Hmmm ...

I had a ticket for the Jack Wills Varsity Polo yesterday ... a whole afternoon surrounded by twenty years olds having fun.

I didn't go, cos I wasn't back from the BF's.
I think it might be Juicy DJs as I've started to recognise the songs (and everyone is signing along) and less boom boom boom now :) Just heard Tiny Tempah and don't think he's over there so must be a DJ set, Labirinth now (yes I had to google who sings that one, obviously past it!).

Dizzee Rascal is there though and Kelis and The Flaming Lips and I think Temper Trap and know those names so not completely past it yet :D
Ahh, I've never been to the polo, looks like fun.

Who DT??? There is apparently someone called Space Dimension Controller who was on yesterday. Apparently: "If you believe Space Dimension Controller's official bio, he's actually one of the survivors of an intergalactic war, who was beamed back from mankind's new home on the planet Mikrosector-50 in the year 2334".

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Oh, Jen ... you should go ... It is SUCH a fun day out.

You live around Manchester, don't you?? ... there must be polo days near there.

Your festival-next-door is sounding more and more fab.
I have never heard of them before either, Jenna!

Hope the music is bearable - surely it can't go on too long.
I feel bad as usually I'm quite chilled about stuff, used to a certain amount of noise being in a city but it's loud and I have a headache and was hoping for an early night. Don't imagine it will be too late as the park is surrounded by very dense residential areas. Amazed it's so loud though, they have lots of stuff on there, things for Diwali and such and bonfire night celebrations and funfairs but never heard it that loud.
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Jen ... maybe you should go down and crash the party ??
Haha, I think it might be a little bit muddy after the torrential rain on and off the last few days, it's like wellie central round here!

It cost just under £100 for a weekend ticket I think!!!! Just hope they don't start congregating outside after or walking past making noise else I might be forced to set the cat on them!
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Is it the last day of the festival ?
Yep, just yesterday and today so not long to go now.
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Have I got time to drive up before it finishes?
Googlemaps reckons 4 and a half hours Brighton to Manchester though you would have to contend with post Manchester Day Parade and Coldplay gig traffic too. If all else fails something in the Curry Mile just the other side is bound to be open and there will probably be pissed students all over the place :)
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A curry, and a party with some p!ssed students?

There are worse ways to spend Sunday night!
Very true haha :) Dizzee Rascal is on now and it's still in full swing though he's singing the Bonkers one.
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Jen ...

Take a few friends, and a picnic. Seriously, you will absolutely love it.
Ooh thank you! I will see if I can get some of my friends interested, looks a lot of fun and one of my friends does an amazing posh picnic!

...and a damn good excuse to find myself a nice day dress...
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That's one nice thing about Polo ...

You can go in your jeans, or shorts, or a posh frock, or whatever ... and nothing looks out of place.

Remember that, whatever you have on your feet, you have to go on to the field when the players are off, and trample down the divots.

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