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abstibus | 07:01 Mon 11th Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Why do we keep our heads lowered when we're out in the rain?


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So it doesn't get in your eyes?!
To stop the rain from going into your eyes.
We fear that raindrops will hit us in the eyes and temporarily blind us. This would prevent us from seeing the torrential flood rushing down what used to be the High St and we'd be washed away.
Simples :-)
bald people do it to promote growth
what about the rest of us that aren't bald bibble?
there is only one bald bibble!
Mazie, are they looking to see if others hurrying out of the rain had dropped anything valuable?
If it rains frogs, you don't want one in your gob!
Not in my case sandy....I've never won or found anything of value in my life !
Because we're all innately frightened of water. Or to prevent the mascara running.
it's purrfect if you're yapping when it's raining cats and dogs

(i miss the days of german poker and drawing cheats...)

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