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When ice lolly vendors turn bad....

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Mosaic | 09:04 Mon 11th Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Mr Yummy or Mr Whippy?
Who'd have thought it would come to this - a side street in Blackburn is hardly Southend sea-front....


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is this a scoop?
09:13 Mon 11th Jun 2012
Any idea what the argument was about?
Icecream firms are well known for their feuds...
the comments on the YouTube page are a catalogue of little hate crimes in themselves
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Apparently one vendor follows the other one around and prices everything a couple of pence below whatever t'other one asks.
is this a scoop?
Apparently one came down from Yorkshire just to have a pop at the other in Lancashire!

Think it's the constant putting your head in a freezer that sends them daft?
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Lol @Boo!
just sampling their own product would send them mad

Ha ha! Very good bibblebub. :o)
Yeah, it's the sales of ice cream and penny sweeties that's got them riled.
Sure it is.
Load up the flake dispenser
Get your toppings all arrayed
Fix steel cornets to your hubcaps
And your 99s displayed
Set the jingly tune to lethal
To blast out the rivals ears
And race ahead to playgrounds
for the biggest crowd's m'dears

Extra nuts no problem
Some syrup and a flake
He's charging one pound fifty
so a quid is all I'll take
The italian Ice cream mafia
Have a contract out on you
a hit will be expected
When Luigi's boys are through
Marco and his ~Papa
Have more flavours than the rest
But Carlo and Francisco think
That their new vans are best
There are dirty dealings
Cartels and secret dears
The vanilla strawberry treaty
Has lasted thiry years
you have the southern area
I'll take north and East
If the boys from Rossi muscle in
They will be deceased

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When ice lolly vendors turn bad....

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