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dodgy motor

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peterbaz | 16:54 Sun 10th Jun 2012 | Motoring
7 Answers
hello ,,,, my son passed his test a couple of months ago went out and bought himself a car off gumtree £500 didn't ask for the reg docs when he tried to insure the car they told him its "scrapped " ive told him to kiss his £500 bye bye does anybody know is there a site i could go on to find history of the car and any views ,,,, thanks


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Why didn't he take some advice as it seems to be his first car purchase?
21:15 Sun 10th Jun 2012
try the aa or rac although I believe they charge
Contact Gumtree, check out their rules regards selling unworthy goods Peter. this is exactly the point I am making in a section in motoring.
If he had HPI'd this car he would have then knew it had been scrapped.
It is possible to return the car to the road but you would need a Vehicle Identity Check:
It all depends how much needs doing for it to pass the MOT and inspection.
Why didn't he take some advice as it seems to be his first car purchase?
cant believe he bought it without any documents, what about MOT ? some of the theory test can cover vehicle documents.

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